Cheers to our volunteers!
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Cheers to our volunteers!

Updated: Jun 30, 2020

Celebrating the people who help to make Neighbourhood Support possible across Aotearoa New Zealand through volunteering.

From running food collections to making welfare calls - our volunteers play a priceless role in our communities.

Neighbourhood Support is a nationwide community-led movement that brings people and neighbourhoods together to create safe, resilient and connected communities.

Our 67 Member Organisations wouldn't be able to accomplish as much as they do without the priceless assistance of over 9,000 amazing volunteers from all ages and backgrounds who assist with everything from coordinating their streets, to letterbox dropping, conducting welfare checks during emergencies, hosting fundraisers, gathering donations, updating contact details, running special events and so much more!

This month as part of our June National Campaign 'Get Involved' we'd like to celebrate some of those volunteers making a positive difference in our neighbourhoods by generously donating their time and energy to support the work that we do.

Barry from Havelock North

​Barry and his wife Mary started volunteering back in 1993 have both been involved over that period of time in the setting up of 10 Neighbourhood Support groups.

Barry has always taken an active leadership role in the numerous groups he has been involved in and could also be counted upon to go that extra mile. A recent example of this was his work in overseeing the managing of public facilities in his community that were deemed out of bounds due to the COVID-19 lockdown.

On behalf of Hastings District Council, their local Coordinator - John Roberts, and ourselves, we would like to thank both Barry and Mary for their wonderful dedication over the past 27 years and wish them all the best in their retirement.

Barbara from Manawatu

​Not only is Barbara the Secretary for Manawatu Neighbourhood Support, she's been volunteering with the organisation for over 30 years!

She also generously helps out in other areas within the community.

Here's to you Barbara, thanks for all that you do!

Adrianne from Stratford

Adrianne has been volunteering for Central Taranaki Safe Community Trust in a number of roles for 2 years. During the lockdown she helped their team phone every member of their Neighbourhood Support groups, assisted in getting groceries for neighbours, knocked on doors as part of welfare checks, and delivered a daily paper to a neighbour who was house bound – going above and beyond her duty as a volunteer.

Thanks for being a Neighbourhood Support superstar, Adrianne!

Steven from Waitakere

Neighbourhood Support Waitakere is fortunate to have 1.5 Coordinators involved in running Neighbourhood Support throughout the West of Auckland. Just prior to lockdown they were able to quickly move to home based offices from which they supported their volunteers, members, and the wider community with important updates by email and social media.

By utilising their database they were also able to contact members over the age of 65 with phone calls and texts to check in with those who had identified themselves as being potentially vulnerable during an emergency situation.

"We couldn’t have managed this mammoth workload without our many fabulous and enthusiastic Street and Area Contacts. We would like to acknowledge one particular volunteer who we feel went above and beyond for his local Laingholm community. Steven has been involved with Neighbourhood Support Waitakere for many years and is a huge advocate for community safety and well being."

During the lockdown Steven kept in close contact with the team, created a website and community base which included approaching his contacts for food parcel donations, arranging mental health support, marshalling his own small army of volunteers to safely deliver to locals in need and even arranging childcare for local essential workers.

We would like to recognise and thank Steven for his outstanding volunteer efforts to support his local community!

Rayleen from Mosgiel

Otago Neighbourhood Support

Rayleen has been volunteering with Otago Neighbourhood Support for 3.5 years.

According to her local Coordinator, Joy:

"Rayleen is a Street Contact who has canvassed her street with fliers, delivered newsletters, and been our eyes and ears in 2 flooding emergencies we have had since she moved in.

Over lockdown she rang ALL of our Mosgiel-Taieri contacts (in less than two days!) to perform a welfare check and update contact details.

Currently Rayleen and her husband are walking and driving around Mosgiel to check on our signage, noting their location and condition. We will then cross reference this with our database to begin updating our signage, starting with the ones in the poorest condition first. She has devoted many hours of her time undertaking this work.

Rayleen is not one for the limelight but quietly gets on with it and has such a gentle friendly disposition. She is keen to help in any way she can. We feel very blessed to have her!"

Want to make a difference in your community? To learn more about volunteering with your local Neighbourhood Support organisation, get in touch with us here:

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To learn more about how we create safer, more resilient and connected communities across Aotearoa, visit the Neighbourhood Support New Zealand website here:

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