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Community Networking Trust

+64 3 208 8480

1 Charlton Lane, Gore 9710


Welcome to the Community Networking Trust Eastern Southland!

We are a dedicated organisation focused on fostering connections, support, and collaboration within our vibrant community.

Our intent is to enhance the well-being of Eastern Southland residents by promoting social cohesion, sharing resources, and empowering individuals and groups.

We envision a thriving community where everyone feels connected, valued, and supported. By facilitating networking opportunities and encouraging community engagement, we aim to create a healthy, resilient and connected community.

Creating safe, resilient, and connected communities.

Meet the Team

Karen Bellew

Local Area Coordinator

+64 27 279 4367

Join Us

Help make Eastern Southland a safer and more caring place to live...

Thank you to our Sponsors + Partners...

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi | With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive

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